Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Anxiety at Tim Horton's

There is that moment when you have to decide if you are thankful for the anxiety or not.  It comes as a result of a well run location.

I sit in my car praying for a small line in the drive thru.  The reason: I put my wallet in my back pocket this morning.  Normal enough right?

When I realize it's back there at the light before my turn, I grab it and place it in the middle console.  When I forget, the anxiety builds.

I speed through the drive thru and by the time I get to the counter, I am being handed a coffee.  I fumble for my wallet and my credit card.  Now my wife's cappuccino is coming at me.  Oh no.  There's not enough time.  I feel like I'm delaying the people behind me.

Maybe Timmy ho ho can possibly get that payment system where you Swype your phone to pay.  That would solve it.  For sure.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Eating healthy

I am now convinced that simply changing ones diet to a better quality of food, makes you more alert, happier, successful.  It's been a short time but by focusing on calories, I have eliminated nearly all bad food from my diet and have been feeling phenomenal.  I feel like the old me just heavier.  I can't wait for this weight to keep falling off.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Business - Machine to Machine, M2M

I will be starting a new blog and inviting others to write on it as well.  It will be focused on increasing efficiencies in business.  I will highlight one thing each week that will allow business owners to increase profitability, reduce expenses, and improve efficiencies.  This will be centered around businesses leveraging technology to their benefit through machine to machine technology.  Stay tuned.  I have to optimize the blog yet.

Things that matter...

Tim Horton's Reward Program

As I start the thought of rolling out of bed and catching up in productivity to my wife who had been going for quite a while, I think of coffee.  I get aggravated again.  I think of the woman that greets me every day, that sees me more than a good portion of my entire family yet has a poker face when I roll up to the window.  Not an individualized greeting, not a joke, not a "this one is on us", just a transaction.  I feel abused.

Should I use my coffee maker?  Should I hope for that moment when she says something other than 2.08 please?  Should I forget about it and continue my day realizing that I am only a number?  Should I find a new Tim Horton's?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tim Horton's Careless Coffee

Maybe I'm grumpy in my old age.  Maybe I need a hug.  Either way, there is something very frustrating about my loyalty to Tim Horton's coffee.  I spend as much there as I do on my cable, electric, gas, or cell phone per month.  I get nothing in return.  The occasional roll up the rim winner. 

I want a rewards program.  A loyalty program if you will.  Like subway.  I may even start an aggressive campaign for this with an entirely separate blog.

No Tim Horton, you didn't piss in my cheerios but you may as well have pissed in my coffee. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mobile Phones replacing Computers?

I am posting this through the blogger app and seriously can't believe how quickly and easily I am able to do this.  I adapted to smartphones quickly and found my use of them nearly replacing my laptops and desktop quickly but this really is a whole new game.